Backlinks: The All-in-1 Guide
Backlinks are links from one website to another, and they play a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO) and online marketing. If you want to rank on the first page of Google, you need to build backlinks from authority news sites and blogs. That might sound confusing, but we’ve created a guide to understand backlinks, their fundamental purpose, how you can start implementing them, and resources to continue learning.
What Are Backlinks?
Backlinks, also known as inbound or external links, are hyperlinks that point from one website to another. For example, if your restaurant’s website is linked from a food blog, that link is considered a backlink to your site. Other examples of backlinks are local directories like Yelp and Google Maps that link to your website.
Why Are Backlinks Important?
Backlinks are a significant ranking factor for search engines like Google. Websites with a higher number of quality backlinks tend to rank higher in search results. This is because backlinks are seen as votes of confidence from other sites, indicating that your content is valuable. When users click on a link from another site, they are directed to your page, potentially leading to new customers.
Having backlinks from reputable sites can enhance your brand's credibility. If well-known websites link to your service, it signals to potential customers that you are a trusted source in your industry. Building this specific type of backlink often involves collaborating with other businesses or influencers in your industry. This can lead to valuable partnerships and increased visibility. Collaboration can be as simple as direct outreach to various food blogs, websites, bloggers, and local online newsletters. Offer to write guest posts for reputable blogs in the service industry, and focus on local outlets. This allows you to include a backlink to your site in your author bio or within the content.
What Types of Content are Most Likely to Attract Backlinks?
Creating content for your own business is a massive effort, but offering content to outside parties can easily work into your overall strategy. Focus on topics that you naturally excel at as a business operator. Do you have an efficient inventory system that you’ve perfected over the years? Write about that. Do you boast a strong staff and low turnover rates among your employees? Write about workplace environment and share examples of how you keep your own staff happy and driven. Sharing a recent success story of yours in order to provide value in the form of a case study. Here are some topics to consider:
Detailed recipes can appeal to food enthusiasts and bloggers. These types of content often attract backlinks when they provide unique or popular dishes.
Example: Maybe you’re offering new dishes for the fall and winter seasons. You can write a blog post featuring “3 Signature Dishes from Our Restaurant” with a description of each dish, special ingredients, and plenty of photos. Local food and travel bloggers will want to feature this content on their social channels and website!
Comprehensive guides or how-to articles that cover a topic in detail tend to attract backlinks. People appreciate well-researched, informative content that provides real value.
Example: Perhaps you’ve recently switched POS systems. A detailed guide on “How to Choose the Right POS System for Your Needs” could be beneficial for others searching for options.
List-based articles are easy to read and often shareable. People enjoy concise, curated lists that provide quick insights or tips.
Example: If you have an efficient process for taking inventory, you can write an article on “5 Essential Tips When Taking Inventory.”
Case study of a recent “win” can provide value to other business owners.
Example: If you have recently hosted your first charity or silent auction event, you can write a blog post about the process of successfully executing the event. The insight you share can be featured on local blogs and newsletters.
You can even begin to create backlinks to websites like (just give us a holler!), local businesses you partner or collaborate with, just be sure that you request they link back to you as well. If you’ve seen our Sizzle on the Street video series, we always make sure we create backlinks to our customers who are featured.
Backlinks are a vital component of any effective online marketing strategy, especially in the service industry. They not only improve your website's SEO and increase visibility but also enhance your brand authority and drive referral traffic. By actively seeking and utilizing backlinks, you can significantly boost your service business's online presence and attract more customers.